Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset
Homeopathic Treatments
What are Homeopathic Treatments?
How Matter becomes Homeopathic Energy
Natural substances form homeopathic remedies and all remedies are extremely diluted through a standardised process. They are non-toxic. Take Belladonna, for example. Belladonna is a remedy in common use in homeopathy for sunstroke.
Belladonna in its organic state matches the state of having sunstroke: Accordingly, there is great heat and redness in the face, throbbing, pulsating pains, dilated pupils. Instead of using this plant in its natural state to treat those same symptoms of sunstroke, in homeopathy the plant material is supremely diluted. This means the matter ‘reduces’ to barely more than a minute trace of the original material.
After that, the energetic substance is transferred onto either pillules or a water-based tincture. This can then be used entirely safely as medicine for the sick person. So, the the plant’s attributes are correspondingly the same as the symptoms of the sick person. Therefore that medicine is a good match. Interestingly, the chemical substance which comes from that Belladonna plant is called Atropine. In conventional medicine Atropine is used to dilate the pupils for optical examinations. So many drugs in use today originate in the plant world.
All homeopathic remedies are safe. They may be highly effective if taken in the right way. There are few or no side effects to homeopathic remedies.
How do Homeopathic Treatments Work?
Since our bodies are made up of electrical impulses, many hold the view, as I do, that there is a subtle energetic signal from each remedy (and all life). This vibrational signal has a resonance with our own in a certain state. All living plants, animals, humans and organic matter have their own personalised energy frequency, and thus almost all organic material can become a remedy if prepared under specific homeopathic guidelines. To clarify, the remedy ‘mirror’ of the illness state then prompts the body to internal healing processes.
When we find the remedy match with our individual state, this prompts the body to begin its work of altering our body’s imbalance.
“Some homeopathic medicines are at low enough dilutions to contain molecules of the original substance (usually a plant or mineral) from which they are made. But others are diluted beyond the point at which you expect any molecules of the original substance to be present; it is these ‘high dilutions’ which make homeopathy controversial in certain circles”. How do homeopathic medicines work?
“I believe that humanity has an uphill battle to wage in its fight to attain real health, and I honestly believe – from hard-earned experience – that homeopathy can offer some solution to this problem” – George Vithoulkas (World renowned Homeopath).
Treating Chronic Conditions with Homeopathy
As your Homeopath I will take time to understand ‘the whole picture’ of who you are as a person. That includes your life experiences, preferences and health patterns. It’s important you feel comfortable in the Homeopathic relationship and feel able to talk about what matters to you as an individual.
Using the method of Classical Homeopathy (rather than Clinical Homeopathy which prescribes multi-remedies), one remedy specific to your current health is selected. Depending upon the assessment, a supplemental organ tincture or remedy (for example, Liver, Urinary, Bowel) may be indicated to support your specific organ system.
Courses of Treatment
Homeopathy can improve many chronic health conditions and acute states of illness. Some conditions are significantly improved after a first consultation and you don't need further treatment. If you are on a course of treatment you will need return for a Follow Up session after about 5 weeks to assess the changes and to decide upon further treatment. A good rule of thumb in expecting holistic improvement in results from a treatment is, for every year you have had a chronic condition, it is likely to take one month of Homeopathic treatment. Once successfully managing your health condition you will not need to make regular visits.
Dr. Schussler’s 12 bio-chemic natural mineral Tissue Salts are an additional health support which you can buy from a major health shop or chemist. These Salts are the same minerals that are naturally found in the earth’s rocks and soil, and they should each be present in the tissues in the human body. Nowadays, due to the deterioration of the earth, most people are lacking these essential Salts. In order to supplement a chronic health condition, for a full effect it is usual to take them over a period of 1-3 months. Please ask whether you would like more information about this or Bach Flower Remedy treatments.
With the co-operation of your GP, Homeopathy is able to work alongside conventional prescription medications. With all aspects carefully considered it is possible your reliance on those medications may be reduced. We Homeopaths believe that you as the patient are in charge of your own health, and your active participation in working towards your own recovery is key. In seeing me for homeopathic treatment I assure you of my confidentiality. As a Homeopath I make no claim a cure can be achieved and do not offer medical diagnosis. As a Registered member of The Society of Homeopaths. I adhere strictly to its Code of Ethics and to the Data Protection Act.
Special Interests
Sleep problems
Digestive issues
Joint and muscle pains
Chronic back pain
Grief and health issues
Skin symptoms
I have some written Blogs on examples of conditions we can treat using Homeopathy:
- Treating Headaches with Homeopathy
- Treating Eczema with Homeopathy
- Treating Diarrhoea with Homeopathy
- Treating Constipation with Homeopathy
- Treating Sleep Problems and Insomnia with Homeopathy
- Treating Anxiety with Homeopathy
- Treating Depression with Homeopathy
- Treating Menopause with Homeopathy
Recommended Pharmacies:
Ainsworths Pharmacy
Helios Homeopathy
Nelson’s Pharmacy
Neal’s Yard Remedie
Galens 01305 263996
Local Recommended Health Shops where you can purchase Tissue Salts, and some Bach Flower Remedies:-
Naturalife, South Street, Bridport
Fruits of the Earth, Victoria Grove, Bridport
Health Foods, West Street, Bridport
Contact details
Fully Registered and insured with the Society of Homeopaths
I am a fully registered member and a graduate of a college recognised by the Society of Homeopaths. I have full professional insurance and I abide by the Society’s strict Code of Ethics and Practice. You can view this on the website of The Society of Homeopaths.