Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset

Treating Constipation With Homeopathy

Constipation could be thought of as the opposite of Diarrhoea, but in some illnesses, such as IBS, there may be an alternate state of constipation with diarrhoea.

Treating Constipation With Homeopathy

Image by freepic.diller on Freepik

If you have been constipated for a long time, weeks or months, if you use laxatives frequently, if you have blood or mucus in your stool it is best to consult your doctor who may advise you to go for certain tests.

Homeopathy and a natural approach would advise on attention to diet, to have sufficient fibre and fresh fruit and vegetables, making sure you are drinking enough liquids and especially of water, having a regular time to visit the toilet.

Depending on the type of the stools (you’ll need to describe this in the Appointment, don’t worry we’re used to it!) and frequency, duration and context there are many Homeopathic remedies which can help constipation. In addition, some conditions occur at certain times of life, for example as someone who is not taking much exercise, or as an older person with more sedentary habits, you may have a co-existing illness, or over-indulgence of food and drink, prescription medication – all of these factors may play a part in constipation. It is a very common and usually treatable condition.