Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower remedies are medicines made from 38 different flowers, plants and trees. They were discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930’s. Dr. Bach was a medical doctor, surgeon, bacteriologist and homeopath. He realised the flowers he authenticated can be used as remedies to balance emotions and treat negative mental states. In so doing, physical ailments may also be treated. Bach’s theory was that the indications for the treatment of disease “were the varying states of mind or mood and not the physical symptoms of the sufferer”. (‘The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach’ by Nora Weeks, Chapter 12). The great truth of the effectiveness of these medicines would be in the successful results.

Ainsworths ABC Method

In 2022 I trained as a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner through Ainsworths Pharmacy in their original ABC methodology. Ainsworths is primarily a Homeopathic Pharmacy, and also has a well-established range of Bach Flower Remedies prepared from their own organic land.

The ABC Method is a self-pick method, where the patient chooses for themself what they need - despite not knowing what it is they do need! Their pick is based upon their own intuition in choosing the right remedies and in accepting the results through their senses. No prior knowledge of the Remedies is needed. The Practitioner is trained in facilitating and supporting the patient to explore the effect of the Remedies on their personal blocks to ill-health. When their self-pick is accepted, these blocks come gently down, old patterns are eased off and an opening out of new opportunities gives new life. The patient regains much of what has been unbalanced through trauma or life events and physical ailments. Amazing benefits can be achieved through this profound treatment.

I have found in my Homeopathy practice that Bach remedies through the ABC Method really complement the homeopathic remedy and can be used alongside them. See Case Testimonials using the ABC Method in Patient Testimonials.

How to Take Flower Remedies

They are taken by liquid drops from a dropper bottle into some water to sip from – usually in a course of treatment over a month of 4 drops 4 times a day.

Rescue Remedy   Recovery Remedy

Recovery Remedy

You may be aware of Rescue and Recovery Remedy. Each are pretty well-known for purposes of treating shock, to help in emergencies to calm and as a general pick-me-up,or to improve sleep.Rescue and Recovery Remedy are a composite remedy consisting of 5 flowers: Star of Bethlehem for shock, Cherry Plum for panic and hysteria, Clematis for feeling faint or stunned, Rock Rose for terror, Impatiens for agitation and irritation often associated with pain.

Other examples of the 38 different remedies include: White Chestnut, used for when thoughts keep going round and round in your head and constant worry. Or, Mimulus, used for fear of known things, such as fear of flying in a plane or of going to an appointment.

If you have found the flower remedies to be helpful, it may be worthwhile buying a stock of them.The Homeopathic Pharmacy Ainsworths has a quick guide to Bach remedies and symptoms. The Pharmacy sells the full range separately, or the entire set of 38 in a canvas storage and travel wallet.:- Ainsworths Bach Flower Remedies If you are able to buy the full range, then we can work together in a consultation on-line.

Fees for Bach Flower Remedies Consultations

Bach Flower Remedies ABC Method (up to one hour, in person) £40 including Remedies.
Bach Flower Remedies ABC Method (up to one hour, on-line) £20 if we are using your Ainsworths 38-Remedy Kit.

            Combined Homeopathic and Bach Flower Remedies ABC Method in person. All Remedies included*. Bach consult duration is for ½ an hour. £20 for Bach + the Homeopathic consult fee.
            Combined Homeopathic and Bach Flower Remedies ABC Method on-line using your Bach Remedies. Homeopathic remedy included*. Bach consult duration is for ½ an hour. £15 for Bach + the Homeopathic consult fee. 

* Homeopathic remedies are included in the fee when they are part of my held stock. Others may need ordering from the Homeopathic Pharmacist.

Fees are payable by BACS before each session, or by card or cash when in person. Concessions are available if you are on a low income, please do contact me.

See: Homeopathy Appointments for Availability.

Case Study using Dr. Bach's original prescribing

Teeth problems

A visit to the dentist was an appointment I was dreading. I feared what he would say about an incipient tooth infection which he had said, 3 years ago, may need root canal treatment. I had taken the Bach remedy Mimulus – for fear of a known event – (which is different from the remedy Aspen which has unknown fears) before I left the house, and at the dentist I felt calm and focused. Bach Rescue Remedy also helped to still my nerves and allow events to occur upon which I could make decisions about any potential dental treatment. Had I chosen to take Homeopathic remedies for this apprehension or fear of a known even, I would have considered, say, Argentum Nitricum, (silver nitrate) or Gelsemium (a flower) which are good remedies for fear or dread of upcoming events.

The result: The previous treatment by my own homeopath, prescribed for me over several months for my chronically painful teeth, had been enough to settle them down and bring about some positive change. The good news on the day of this dental appointment was that although there still is some sensitivity, so far, there is no pain and there is no need for a full dental treatment involving root canal. My personal prescription homeopathic remedies clearly have much contributed to a greatly improved outlook. Nowadays I also self-prescribe Tissue Salts to help strengthen my teeth and prevent infection: at the moment I am taking Calc Phos and Silica. It seems to be working, my teeth feel more stable in my gums, the referred pain to my ear has ceased and my teeth, while sensitive at times, are not causing me significant problems.

Although there are specific homeopathic remedies often used for teeth pain, infection and decay, root canal issues are notoriously difficult to treat. A positive outcome is by no means assured. This example highlights the First Aid nature of calming and balancing before the event with Bach Flower Remedies, (Mimulus and Rescue Remedy). And, of trusting in the previous long-term homeopathic treatment of strengthening my constitution in a personalised way. This, in relation to prescribing specific teeth remedies and on-going Tissue Salts, has brought about positive changes in the normal function of the living organism of my teeth and gums.
