Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset

Treat Headache With Homeopathy

Headaches come in varying guises and for some kinds you should seek medical advice. Such as: with a stiff neck and a high fever; after a head injury; a mechanical or spinal injury; frequent headaches or constant ones; headaches which start after prescribed conventional medications. 

Treat Headache With Homeopathy

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Causes of headaches cover a broad spectrum, such as an inherited tendency, long periods of stress, allergies, relating to the menstrual cycle, missing meals, dehydration, bright lights, over-indulgence. Migraines are a different generalised illness and head pain often comes with many other debilitating symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, loss of vision and sweating. You can get homeopathic treatment for headache and for migraine, each of which may require a Consultation if you are experiencing symptoms too often. Homeopathy Appointment

For other examples of headaches there are remedies such as: Aconite for sudden exposure to severe heat or cold and cold air and headaches as a result of an emotional crisis, with resultant anxiety, fear and restless. Apis hates to be disturbed and is pretty irritable (not always noticed if self-diagnosed!) and has congestion, feels worse for heat.

Or, Cocculus treats a headache which comes on after a long journey, or from the strain of night-nursing after very little sleep, is better in the cold air. Each remedy, although similar in some respects to other remedies, will always have differentiating features (eg. feels restless and cold) and preferences (fresh air, to not move) which combine to mark it out from other similar remedies.