Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset

Treating Sleep Problems and Insomnia With Homeopathy

Sleeplessness is a huge modern problem, not improved by our continual use and over-exposure to technology.

Treating Sleep Problems and Insomnia With Homeopathy

Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Self-help factors which can contribute to a better night’s sleep are: exercise, not eating close to bedtime (your stomach and whole digestive system needs to concentrate on repairing cells and membranes, giving the whole body a top-to-toe healing attention, not dealing with metabolising food), time away from ‘blue light’ activities such as TV, laptops and phones, avoiding caffeine, having a good diet, managing stressful and worrying thoughts, having a healthy ‘Gut-Biome’. When lack of sleep becomes chronic, all these factors come in to play.

Homeopathic remedies may be matched to the overall state by taking into account the whole picture rather than the specific symptom. If you would like help, make an appointment. In this type of case-taking, any physical or emotional cause, such as for instance, co-existing health issues, pain, repressed anger or guilt, delayed shock, overwork, exam pressure will feature. And Insomnia frequently increases with age, but can be helped through Homeopathy. 

The remedy Chamomilla is for irritability, anxious and frightening dreams and intolerance of pain. Interestingly, the natural material herbal Chamomile (not the energy-based medicine of the same plant in Homeopathy) which some people take for improved sleeping actually keeps some people awake! (I am one of them). Nux Vomica is for being unable to switch off from business affairs, having an over-active mind. Coffea is for the rush of ideas, and for starting awake at the slightest noise.

Similarly, in Bach Flower Remedies the remedy White Chestnut is very good for incessant thoughts going around. Or, Elm if feeling pressured and overwhelmed by responsibilities. Mimulus, if there is a fear of falling asleep and never waking. Olive, where there is such exhaustion that sleep won’t come. LINK Bach Flower Remedies.