Homeopathy in Bridport, Dorset

Bach Flower Remedies Case1

Bach Flower Remediues are a simple and effective way to rebalance a negative emotional state.

Feeling Crabby
We don’t always behave well! Some years ago I was not feeling well. I was also feeling really crabby: blaming of others, resentful of some authority-person joining our group and taking it over. I felt peevish when I had to share what I had thought was mine. And, becoming too tired, much too tired to take on board any further information. Not a generous soul, I was thoroughly out of balance.

If I had stepped back, taken a good look at myself, I would have self-administered some Bach Flower remedies specific to my negative state. Doing so enables a reframing into the positive aspect of that remedy. My own state could have benefitted from:
Olive: for replenishing energy when there seem to be no reserves left. A very good remedy for conditions such as brain fatigue, exhaustion, chronic fatigue.
Holly: for being over-sensitive to negative external influences: allowing love to be the guiding force, to open the heart.
Willow: to transform resentfulness of others into a generosity of spirit: enabling objectivity of own mental state
Beech: Allows for greater tolerance and discernment, losing a sense of self-entitlement: into acceptance towards others.

Nowadays, I have learnt a new and really great method of self-prescribing. It works even better than the original prescribing of Dr.Bach in the 1930's: his work was as a General Practitioner, and he prescribed according to his well-researched findings and his medical knowledge of his patients. To bring Dr. Bach's work up to date, Ainsworths Pharmacy have developed a new methodology of using those same Bach Flower Remedies in a different way: the patient themselves picks what they need through using thier own intuition, and the Practitioner is taught how to faciliate and support their choices.

Do read more about how these Bach Flower Remedies work by using the Link below, and by reading some Patient Testimonials